Q.: How many times did you see a JW start a business?
A.: Not often. I knew one fellow who owned a butcher shop and the 3 story building it was in with rental apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floor. He also owned the single-family home that he lived in with his wife and five kids. I don't know his financial details, but I would guess he was doing pretty well.
He went into business and bought his home before he became a JW.
When "Armageddon Fever" went around prior to 1975, he sold the business and the 3 story building so he could pioneer while this evil system came down.
After a few years he had to go back to work - at a meatpacking plant (a BIG step down in job satisfaction and the loss of being his own boss, which he was fully capable of) - so he could provide for his family.
Eventually he sold his home and relocated to a less expensive area of the country.
I think he was a good example of an intelligent man who was misled by clowns who didn't know half of what he did about business or success. but that's just MY opinion, he probably thinks the Jehovah sock-puppet was well pleased by his loyalty.